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Books we recommend

The Surrendered Wife
by Laura Doyle

Why do we recommend The Surrendered Wife?


Don’t let the title fool you. This book is about letting go and relinquishing inappropriate control while focusing on our happiness in order to bring romance and intimacy back into our relationship. It is not a book about submissiveness. It is not anti-feminism. It is a book that demonstrates the destructiveness of trying to control another human being, particularly your spouse.


We practice these 6 basic principles:

1. We relinquish inappropriate control

2. We respect his decisions for his life

3. We practice self-care (because if momma ain't happy...)

4. We practice receiving compliments and gifts graciously

5. We practice expressing gratitude and appreciation

6. We work on being vulnerable and taking the feminine approach. 


Men are from Mars,
Women are from Venus
by John Gray

Why do we recommend Men are from Mars...? 


THIS: What Do I Do When My Man Goes To His Cave?


One of the major principles of a happy marriage is understanding, and embracing, the difference between the sexes. This book provides insight into how our men tick and helps us understand how things might be inside his head and inside his heart. Too often we fall into the trap of thinking that our husband's inner life is just like our own, and expecting him to think/behave just as we would --which can lead to anger, hurt feelings, and confusion. For example, when a man pulls back from wife and family for a brief period of time, the wife often believes that it is her fault, that she's done something wrong, or that he is cheating on her and she begins bothering him, asking what is wrong, and jumping to the wrong conclusions. It is infinitely better to pull back ourselves, load up on self care, and give him the space that he needs.


by Laura Doyle

    Why do we recommend



 I just finished reading (actually listening to the audio book),

"First, Kill all the Marriage Counselors" by Laura Doyle and I highly recommend this book.

She claims you will discover “Modern-day secrets to being desired, cherished and adored for life” and I have to agree since I've been living these principles for over 14 years now. I am now married to the man of my dreams, but it wasn't always like that. Our early marriage was a disaster, but after applying these skills to my life all these years I have found we rarely to never fight anymore. I respect him and his choices and decisions and he loves me deeply and passionately. 

The 5 Love Languages 
by Gary Chapman

Why do we recomment The 5 Love Languages?


We feel that communicating in the way your partner can hear is so important. The 5 Love Languages will teach you what your love language is and how you can keep each others Love Tanks full. 


Every individual experiences love differently. Author Gary Chapman has broken down the various methods of giving and receiving love into five "love languages" and describes how to identify, for ourselves and for our spouses, which expressions of love are most likely to fulfill our need for love. A common mistake in marriage is to give love in the form that you prefer to receive it -- this book will provide great insight into how to fulfill your spouse's needs even if you don't quite understand or relate to those needs.


Chapman's 5 Love Languaes are:

1. Words of Affirmation

2. Acts of Service

3. Affection

4. Quality Time

5. Gifts


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